
Hey, thanks for stopping by. I'm Robert, an artist on a journey of self-discovery through the world of art. For me, creating art has served as a sanctuary and a way of finding meaning and purpose in life. As a self-taught artist, I stumbled into this world as a form of escape and a burning passion to express myself through creation. I find that art allows us to communicate without speaking and helps break down barriers in a way that words sometimes struggle to breach. Over the years, I have found expression through a diverse range of mediums including oil, acrylic, charcoal and digital work - each of which allow myself to express myself in a unique and different way.

Art as a Source of Mental Health: Painting and creating art has become more than a favourite past time for me; art has become my way of processing emotions, channelling stress, and finding clarity in the chaos. It has given me purpose which helps me navigate the ups and downs of life through the creative process.

Uniting in a Divided World: In a time of so much division, I see art as a beacon of hope. It's a way to remind ourselves of our shared humanity and the power of everyone's own uniqueness. I hope I can add a little bit of colour to the world by sharing my creations and I hope you get just as much joy from seeing them as I did making them.

Future Endeavours: As I continue this journey, I want to keep expanding my horizons, experimenting with new techniques, and exploring diverse subjects. My dream is to connect with likeminded artists and anyone who loves art. Thanks for visiting my site and I hope you have fun looking at my work. Please feel free to reach out to me about anything art related: rwsween@gmail.com

Much Love
